Brittany Nidds

Facebook Group Admin Moderator

I work for people who have Facebook ​groups and help them manage their ​groups. By being an admin in the groups ​enables the leaders to concentrate on ​what matters most.

On my spare time, I love to read, watch TV, ​Talk to friends, and watch Facebook reels.

My Services

In our initial meeting, we will meet on Zoom to introduce ​ourselves and discuss your goals and group expectations. ​Here's how I will support your group:

  • Approve Posts
  • Approve Members
  • Welcome New Members
  • Remove Spam
  • Scheduling Posts
  • Create posts
  • Foster Engagement
  • Group Moderation
  • Excellent Communication skills with leaders

Rates will be discussed at our initial meeting.

Contact Me

Let’s discuss our next steps and how I can make a difference in your group.

Send me a Facebook message

Or Call/Text: 864.719.2508

Brittany Nidds • Copyright • 2024